I came across this 30 days of plank challenge the other day and thought it would be perfect for this month.
Day 1: 20 seconds
Day 2: 20 seconds
Day 3: 30 seconds
Day 4: 30 seconds
Day 5: 40 seconds
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: 45 seconds
Day 8: 45 seconds
Day 9: 60 seconds
Day 10: 60 seconds
Day 11: 60 seconds
Day 12: 90 seconds
Day 13: Rest
Day 14: 90 seconds
Day 15: 90 seconds
Day 16: 120 seconds
Day 17: 120 seconds
Day 18: 150 seconds
Day 19: Rest
Day 20: 150 seconds
Day 21: 150 seconds
Day 22: 180 seconds
Day 23: 180 seconds
Day 24: 210 seconds
Day 25: 210 seconds
Day 26: Rest
Day 27: 240 seconds
Day 28: 240 seconds
Day 29: 270 seconds
Day 30: 300 seconds
I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull off the last couple of weeks, 300 seconds is a LOOONNNGG time! But I will at least total that time for the day. If you don't know what a plank is, I recommend you look it up and find out the correct way to do it. You need to have the right form for it to have the full effect on your body. Every one has a few minutes a day to do something like this. If you don't have 5 minutes to spare for your health then you have other problems that you need to work through first. This is a very simple challenge, so there's really not much to write about here. Just make sure you are challenging yourself everyday. You will never see a change unless you make a change.