My favorite way to exercise has always been to just go outside and run. I love running. It relieves stress, helps me sort out my thoughts and run out my frustrations. It even makes me happier when I'm already happy. I started running track in middle school and ran cross-country and track in high school. After 4 reconstructive knee surgeries in college, that had to change. I tried cycling, it was ok. It's a great workout, but for me it just wasn't the same. Ten years, one wedding and two kids later, I'm working my way back to being a runner. I ran a little bit a couple of years ago after my son was born. I got in just good enough shape to run a 5k, then slowly got out of it again. This time around I'm being smarter about it. Last time I was outside running on uneven ground and hard streets and sidewalks. My knees were swollen after each run and it just wasn't that enjoyable. This time, I'm starting slow and working only on a treadmill, an even surface that doesn't change and I can concentrate on my form. My goal is to not just finish a 5k, but to finish it with a time that I can be proud of. A time that will make all of this hard work worth it. This page will be all about tips and training workouts for runners and wanna be runners.
My Tips on Running
Your First 5k
Runner's Links
Training Tips
Hey Kim! I didn't realize you had a blog! I'll have to read through it more when I get a little extra time. I heard from Jen that you're really into healthy eating, so I need to dig through your recipes! Thanks for the running links!! :o)